Sunday, December 2, 2007

Cut crystal glass

The essence of cutting of Bohemian crystal is removing glass layers of varying depth to achieve the desired plasticity of the product’s surface. Glasscutters process the products using glass-cutting machines with grinding wheels. There are grinding wheels are of various grit, diameter, width and profile – all depending on the target decoration. Both natural and synthetic glass-grinding wheels are used. Glass products are grinded on the periphery of the grinding wheel, rotating towards the cutter. The result is beautiful patterns and richness of the crystal cut.

Cut crystal bowls

Cut crystal bowls are ones of the typical products of the Bohemian glass cutting school and are popular all around the world for their variety of shapes and perfect detailing. These properties attract and convince even the most demanding customers. Our bowls have a broad scope of use – for ...

Cut crystal vases

Hand cut Bohemian crystal, minimum content of PbO 24%. A perfect combination of the art handicraft culture and the tradition of glass cutting handed down from generation to generation. Products with worthy grinding are the result of skilled workmanship and fine sense of manual work, inimitable by ...

source : glassbohemia

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