Monday, September 8, 2014

The Difference between Crystal and Glass

            Crystal is one thing that is often presented in the living room. Crystal decorative items were categorized into luxury, no wonder, just some people who have used one of the crystals and they display it in the living room. Crystals present in a variety of forms, ranging from a crystal jar, crystal chandelier, crystal table lamp, vase of crystal, and so on. Crystal are quite luxurious and expensive.
            However, in addition crystal objects, we also recognize objects made of glass. Most people do not understand the difference between objects made of crystal and glass objects. By understanding the difference between the furniture of crystal glass furniture, we can provide appropriate treatment, so that the crystal becomes more durable furniture and pretty.
Here are the difference.

·         View thickness
Objects which made of glass is usually thinner than objects made of crystal.
·         Compare the weight
Objects made of crystals tend to be more severe than with objects made ​​of glass. However, in comparing the two objects, make sure that the size and shape is not much different, so the results of the comparison will be more showed accurately. Crystal glass is heavier than usual because of the material contained crystals that make it hard, dense, and impressed contains compared to glass.
·         See end
            Glass has sharp edges and pointy, so that may irritate the skin. Meanwhile, the crystal usually has a solid tip, and slightly curved. This can be seen when the two objects are the same, same burst.
·         Navigate to the near lamp or lighting
            Navigate objects made of crystal and glass objects near the lamp or lighting. We will see that on the surface of the glass, there is a bit of a yellowish color, the result of reflection of light. In the crystal objects, we will find that the surface will remain clear or translucent when exposed to light. Prism crystal objects will produce colored, the color of the effect of light reflection.
·         Cleaning and caring for objects made ​​from crystal
            Normally, to treat and clean crystal, we simply wiped away from dust. However, for crystals that are a little, long and dull, it takes a special fluid. This fluid is usually special cleaning liquid crystals that can be found in the store - a store that sells furniture made ​​from crystal. If you want to make your own, you can use isopropyl alcohol chemicals are mixed with water that has been distilled. Then, insert this solution into a spray bottle. Spray the cleaning solution on the entire surface of the crystal is a crystal, and then rubbed smooth with a clean cloth. Wait until completely - completely dry before returning it to its original place.

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